All photos by Tristan Savatier are Copyrighted with All Rights Reserved.
You are allowed to display most (*) of Tristan Savatier's photos for free under the following conditions:
(*) Photos that you are not allowed to use on non-commercial sites do not have the "Get Image Code" or "Embed" button.
All my photos must be properly properly licensed in order to be used commercially. My photos that are represented by agencies must be properly properly licensed from those agencies in order to be used commercially. Agencies can sue people mis-using the photos that they represent, so you might want to ask me for permission before using my photos if you are not sure. If you were using a photo and it later became represented by an agency, you might need to cease using it or license it from the agency, unless you had my written permission for the use.
When someone uses my photos without permission or in breach of the conditions below, I file DMCA Notices or Copyright Infringement notices with their service providers and Web hosting company, and that causes the infringing user accounts (e.g Blogger / Adsense / Yahoo account) to be immediately terminated and their sites to be de-listed or penalized. So make sure to follow all the conditions below, or to pay the required licensing fees before using my photos on your website or blog.
1) Only on NON-COMMERCIAL blogs, webpages or forums, that DO NOT HAVE ADVERTISING.
If your blog or website contains advertising, you must obtain written permission or license the photo.
2) Send the web link (URL) of your blog or webpage.
If you don't, no big deal, I generally find out by other means, but i like to know where my photos are being used.
3) Do NOT copy, duplicate or upload my images on your server, your blog etc. You MUST use an "img" tag with "src" pointing to the original image on my website
The simplest way is to use the Image Code provided in each photo page. Click on Get Image Code or Embed to get the HTML code for putting the photo in your blog.
4) Hotlinking of my Images is Not Permitted on Automatically Generated Pages
I reserve the right to block image serving or serve unwanted images when the referrer is determined to be an image hotlink abuser or automatically generated page.
5) Please provide Copyright attribution / Credit:
If possible, put the following line (with a working link) immediately under the photo:
Copying or duplicating my images on another site or cropping-off my copyright watermark in the photos is not allowed, even if you find my images already cropped or duplicated on another site.
6) IMPORTANT: Always back-Link the photo to the original photo-page (see below):
You must link the photo itself to the original photo-page, i.e. where the description of the photo can be seen. If you cannot locate the photo-page, link the photo to The link should NOT contain rel="nofollow".
The simplest way is to use the Image Code provided in each photo page. Click on
Get Image Code or Embed to get the HTML code for putting the photo in your blog. You can customize the html code to change the image size or add CSS styles such as style="float:left".
7) Recommended way to Blog or Share my photos:
The simplest way is to use the Image Code provided in each photo page. Click Get Image Code or Embed to get the HTML code for putting the photo in your blog.
You can also use the

Share link above the photo on my website photo-page. If you come from Flickr, to find the photo-page on, search for the flickr photo title with the search box, or contact me.
Sharing my webpages on Facebook or other social networks is allowed as long as you do not upload copies of my images on those social networks. I.e. you are allowed only to share links to my pages or images.
8) You must remove my photo(s) from your blog or website if requested
In some cases I may ask that you remove my photos from your blog or website, or from a forum where you have posted them or a forum that you control. If requested to remove my images, you must obey the request.
Conditions for use on commercial blogs or websites:
If your Blog or website is commercial or displays advertising (e.g. google adsense), use of my photos is NOT PERMITTED unless you have
obtained my written permission or you have properly acquired a license for commercial use.
To license my photos on-line, click the "Buy a License" or "License this Photo" button on the photo page on the website.
When someone uses my photos without permission or in breach of the conditions listed on this page, I file DMCA Notices or Copyright Infringement notices with their service providers and Web hosting company, and that causes the infringing user accounts (e.g Adsense account) to be immediately terminated and their sites to be de-listed or penalized. So make sure to follow all the conditions, or to
obtain permission and pay the required licensing fees before using my photos on your website or on blog.